5 cent stamp: A man drinking beer. This is, however, not necessaily the traditional way to drink beer in Venda. The statue was carved from Spirostachys africana Sond.; Muonze. The artist is unknown.
10 cent stamp: This person is making preparations for a long journey. He has a gourd with water and is frying mealies (corn) in a pan to take with him. The wood that was used is Parinari curatellifolia Planch ex Benth; Muvhula (mobola plum).
15 cent stamp: The sculptor here portrays his impression of king Nebuchadnezzar when he was made "to eat grass as oxen." The wood that was used is Parinari curatellifolia Planch ex Benth; Muvuhula (mobola plum).
20 cent stamp:The woman who went to look for wood was caught by the python, Tharu, and he is squeezing her to death. Polishes and paints of different colours were used here to emphasize the patterns on the statue, especially the eyes. The wood that was used is Sclerocarya caffra Sond.; Mufula (marula).