Tabby cat - 65 cent Venda stamp

Tabby cat

The name "tabby" is usually given to any striped domestic cat, but the recognised breds of Tabby have distinctive patterns of markings. In the classic Tabby pattern, the stripes form whorls on the cheeks and a pair of spectacles around the eyes, while the markings on the forhead form an M. The necklace of stripes around the throat is popularly known as the Lord Mayor's Chains. On the shoulders, the markings resemble the wings of a butterfly and on the flanks they look like oysters. One or more black stripes run along the spine and the tail and legs have black bracelet markings. The short-haired Tabby is a British breed, the brown, silver and red varieties of which are best known. The stamp features a Brown Tabby. These Tabbies have big, round eyes of green, hazel, orange or deep yellow. The colour of the coat varies from beige to a rich sable brown, with the pattern of markings in dense black. Tabbies make charming, playful and self-reliant pets.


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